Best Baked Camembert With Rosemary And Prosciutto

Baked Camembert With Rosemary And Prosciutto

Do you ever find that food tastes way better when you’re on your holidays, and no matter what you try when you get home it never tastes the same? Fear not, because we have you covered with this wonderful baked Camembert recipe.

7 ingredients, one insanely good dish and the beauty is you can cook it in no time at all in the comfort of your own home. Time to get cooking.

7 Simple Ingredients

Baked Camembert
1 Whole Camembert
Sliced Prosciutto
Rosemary sprig
Crusty Bread

Instructions – Baked Camembert

  1. Remove the Camembert from the packet and slice the very top off
  2. Mix the rosemary, salt, pepper and butter together
  3. Cut a hole in the bread that is big enough to fit the Camembert into
  4. Cut thin slivers into the bread and stuff with the butter mix and add slices of Prosciutto
  5. Bake in the oven at 160C for 10-15 minutes until the cheese is melted
  6. Serve on a chopping board as a shared dish
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