To help combat the growing coronavirus, many are opting to self-isolate – one of the most important things to remember when self-isolating, is self-care. It can be easy to lose track of time when working from home and getting out of your normal routine. That’s why we put a list together of seven things you can do to practice self-care while in self-isolation.
Self Care In Self Isolation – 7 Things You Can Do
1. Morning Yoga
It’s no secret that Yoga is as equal parts physically and mentally healthy. Being stuck indoors can often mean more stress, anxiety and an all-around blue mood. One way to combat this is by implementing a morning yoga routine. By starting your day with just 15 minutes of stretching and mindful movement, it can make all the difference. We recommend searching Youtube for at-home yoga.
2. Get Crafty
We are creative beings with a need to make things. Think back to when you were a child – what did you love most? Painting? Dancing? Singing? Drawing? Writing? Allow yourself to be a kid again by getting crafty with something. Whether you’re building a birdhouse with scraps from the garage or painting with those old acrylics under the bed, getting crafty is essential to self-care.
3. Meditation Practice
Taking time to slow down and breathe is critical in self-care for mental health. By taking an extra few minutes a day to calm your mind, you can focus on what’s important and often, reduce anxiety levels. Start with just five minutes a day, in a quiet space where you can calmly focus on your thoughts.
4. Cook Your Favourite Meal
It’s no secret that good food often equals a good mood. Depending on where you are located, if you can get a few essential items from your local grocer, consider making yourself a personal feast. Whether your favourite food is grandma’s mac and cheese, deep-dish pizza and shrimp scampi, taking the time to make the dish is what’s important.
5. Get Your Blood Pumping
As mentioned earlier, a big part of being stuck indoors is not being able to go for walks in the park and strolls around the city etc. However, it’s still important to get the blood pumping and endorphins flowing. A great self-care practice is taking just 30 minutes per day to raise your heart rate. Start with an at-home workout on youtube or just pop on some tunes and dance – either way, you’ll feel much better afterwards.
6. Dedicate One Hour A Day
Take one hour per day, ideally in the morning or before bed and completely focus on yourself. This may not seem that important, but by taking the time to disconnect and do something that relaxes you is vital to good health. Set a time for an hour and turn off your phone, open a book and unwind.
7. Watch Your Favourite Comedy
Everyone knows that laughter is the best medicine. Being cooped up inside because of a global pandemic is hardly anyone’s idea of fun, but it doesn’t have to be miserable. Turn on your favourite show or movie that always makes you laugh and let the feel-good chemicals flow.