Have a head for heights? Then maybe you can dare to cross this stomach-churning glass bridge in China. Dangling 600 feet above the river, you can peer directly down through the clear glass bottom. Built as a tourist attraction, the bridge connects two sides of a gorge.
The bridge spans 1,726 feet across the Lianjiang River in southern China’s Huangchuan Three Gorges Scenic Area.
It has now been officially recognised by Guinness World Records as the longest glass-bottomed bridge in the world. We’re also saying it’s the world’s scariest!
Record-breaking Glass Bridge Opens in China
Designed by the Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University, the bridge can hold 500 people at any one time. The bottom is made of three layers of 4.5-centimetre-thick tempered laminated glass.
As you stroll across the bridge, you can stop at special platforms which jut out over the edge to take photographs.
It’s the hot new attraction in China, but it may not hold on its title for long. The BBC estimates that there are over 2,300 glass bridges in China, and new projects are always on the go to break the records.
The 430-metre-long Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge, was both the world’s tallest and longest glass bridge when it opened in 2016. However, it was overwhelmed with visitors causing it to close just two weeks after it opened.
This bridge lost its title to the 488-metre-long Hongyagu suspension bridge in 2018.